
t is amazing (with all the historical evidence, events, books, films and scientific proof) that our world and way of life are starting to falter, while most of us remain deaf, dumb, and subordinate. Despite all the warnings and information, we have done relatively nothing. Have we ceased to be serious people?
In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called common sense that fueled the idea of American Independence which gave rise to the American Revolution. He gave hope while painting a direction and a vision to guide the course of this new nation, the United States of America. It is time to renew the aspiration of Thomas Paine and the founding fathers to allow our nation to fulfill its promise. I will make an attempt to pick up where Thomas left off in 1776.

Common Sense 3.1
The American people are supposed to be in charge - but we are not. We are supposed to be in control - but we are not. There are things that our government has done in the name of the American people which make us responsible - but we are not. Then are we really worthy to be what it is we hold to be sacred - “Americans”.  
The root of the message conveyed by Thomas Paine is the same; government of the people, by the people and for the people. These were high expectations that we’ve never met, but we still strive to achieve to the best of our abilities. Today we have the technologies to meet the original and correct expectations of the founding fathers. True government by the people is here and waiting for the American people to take hold of. We are the first to have a real choice unlike our ancestors who had to settle for less. We don't have to settle and we certainly don't have to live like this anymore.  
We are the most advanced people that have ever lived on the face of the earth. The real magnitude of our technology is being undermined by our old ways, old government and our old economic system. These old systems are dying and they are threatening to take us with them.
If you understand the true value and magnitude of technology, then you should understand there is no need for poverty, recessions, depressions, homelessness, unemployment, underemployment, deficits and the lack of healthcare. There is no need for the payment of bank interest, there is no need for taxes of any kind and there is no need to saddle our children with our debt and on and on. That means we are doing everything wrong. I understand that’s hard for a great many of us to believe. We are use to letting our government and big business do our thinking for us, so I will keep it very simple. For the most part, our technology has changed our world from a world of scarcity to a world of abundance. That means our old limitations don’t exist. We live in a totally different but opposite paradigm. If we persist in our old ways, we are dead.
We have become a Capitalocracy. Our country is ruled by money. The lack of paper money or digital money is no longer a limitation. I repeat, money is not a limitation. The lack of resources is the only limitation that we have. Technology allows us to preserve and extend the amount and use of our resources. This is where your real wealth is. Citing the lack of money, the deficit, the size of government or fiscal responsibility as an excuse for not taking care of the people and the  people's business is complete nonsense coupled with incompetence. These problems should have been solved 90 years ago.
Most of you are not scientists or engineers, so I will have to appeal to your Common Sense. A little over 100 years ago, man learned to fly. 60 yeas ago, man harnessed the power of the atom. Today, we have super fast computers and the internet. This came all in the last hundred years or so. Why is it so hard to get rid of less challenging problems that we’ve had for more than 200 years? Could we be the problem? Obviously we don’t lack the technology to solve these problems. They are not impossible to solve. We allow politicians to placate us with talk and empty promises. This is what makes our progress impossible. A good example is healthcare reform that our government has been working on for more than 60 years and counting. This is absurd. Yet, we endure this and much of the same, year after year and decade after decade. Have we ceased to be serious people?

Politicians and lawyers can’t help us now. But we are not alone. The Scientist and Engineers will show you a better and smarter way; but you will have to meet them half way. The rest of this document and Revolution 2.0 are dedicated to doing just that. So lets get started…
 In the Beginning
The American system of government was designed with checks and balances. But the most important check on our government has failed. The failure is catastrophic. The people are the most important check on government to control the power and abuse of government. If the people neglect their duties, then they become mere slaves and victims of their own government and neglect. In order for democracy to work, the people have to be vigilant. Otherwise, democracy along with the liberties it creates and protects, slowly dies.
 Responsibility of the People
Why me? - Why us? – Why now?
What we do here and now will not only affect our nation, it will have dire ramifications for the rest of the world. When we free ourselves, we will in effect free the rest of the world. If there was ever a time that our world needed leadership, it is now. Only the United States has the means to lead. It is not just a matter of money. It is a matter of global presence and influence. It is our responsibility for the simple fact that we can and we must.
We all want to live good and better lives. We all want to live in a better world. But we are not willing to change or make the sacrifices to reap the rewards. So we end up with a world and a country in decline. First and foremost, to build a new and better world, you will need thinkers - not talkers. Politicians can't talk their way into the future. It is far too complex. You will need thinkers with the ability to transform their ideas into hard working realities. Talkers must employ middle men who waste your wealth and resources. The problems we face today are technical, not political. This is the job of the technologist – not politicians, dictators, bankers or big business. You wouldn't let a plumber perform brain surgery on you, so why would you let a politician convince you that he or she can build a new and better  world in a technological age. It is not a sane or practical approach, and it has nothing to do with "Common Sense". And if you need any evidence, just look around you. Our country and our world are falling to pieces.
If we don’t understand our monetary system and the tax system, then understanding the challenge of diverse technologies is totally out of the question. This is what allows the American people to be systemically raped over and over by government, big business and the banks. Because the people don’t really understand the workings of our government, the tax system and our economic system, we are easily exploited and have been for quite some time. The same thing is happening with technology in all its diversity. Technology is the bulk of our wealth, not money. We know even less about technology than we know about our monetary and tax system. The amount of wealth we are wasting and giving away is staggering.
Over the passage of time our government has slowly reduced its citizens to little more than just slaves. We like to blame the politicians, big business, the President, anyone and anything else except ourselves for the horrendous state that our country is in. We the people are the real blame for our countries problems. Not the current or past administrations. Not big business or the bankers. They are just symptoms of a much deeper root cause. We are the rotten root of the problem. For 233 years, we let our government do whatever it pleased. For 233 years we ran our government like an absentee owner. If you don't have health care, a job, hope, money, a home, a good education, etc…, don't blame it on the government. We the people are the blame. The buck does not stop with the president. It stops with the people. If you are hated around the world, afraid to travel abroad, in fear of terrorism, mad because the banks are getting bailed out with your money and you can't get a loan, if your life savings and retirement have been wiped out or stolen, upset because the government failed miserably at responding to help your city after a hurricane, upset because gas and food prices keep rising while your pay is falling, upset because your government is trying to tax you for any purpose it can think of, upset because your government is trying to chip away  at your rights for any purpose it can think of, upset because millions of barrels of oil are ruining your coasts, upset because your standard of living is declining, upset because your children are not getting a proper education, upset because your country and your government is for sale... just calm down. It's easy to find the dirty rotten scoundrel that is responsible for this mess. Just look in the mirror. We the people are the blame – “We the people” sat by and let it happen without doing one single thing about it. That's what happens when you don't show up to work for 233 years. We can no longer afford to be absent or passive citizens. The stakes are too high this late in the game. We have 233 years of work piled up and waiting. It is our responsibility to deal with it. A mess has never dealt with itself. Our government can’t fix itself. Can you imagine someone giving themselves a triple heart bypass and major brain surgery all at once? Forget about it! Your responsibility as a citizen does not end with voting and criticizing the government.

                     "I'm tired of hearing it said that democracy doesn't work. Of course 
                      it doesn't work. We are supposed to work it."
                      - Alexander Woollcott
We have neglected our house and business for much too long. It is time to clean house and get our business in order. We have to quit rewarding incompetence. First, we have to stop hiring government officials with skill-sets that no longer fit our need. This is the twenty first century not the seventeenth century. Politicians were ok in an era where talking and law were the best and only tools of the day for governing. Things have changed much in 233 years.
Politicians and lawyers are not capable of moving our nation into the future. Their time has come and gone. You will have to seek out the Scientist and Engineers. They will show you the way. Again, the bulk of our problems are technical - not political. Legislation and political debate will get us nowhere. This paragraph contains the most important information in this document. Remember and embrace it. It is our only chance at success.
We are no longer who we used to be or what we use to be. We are in a transition phase, stuck half way between two worlds that are literally ripping us apart. At this very point in time man is without definition. He knows not where he stands, nor where he is headed. We are the most advanced civilization that has ever lived. Our limitations to move forward come from our past. Our limitations are only structural and behavioral which means they are not impossible to overcome. We don’t have the same limitations anymore.  I understand why most Americans are skeptical and cynical about real progress. We have been preyed on by big business, little business, the banks, politicians, Wall Street and government for so long; we don’t know who to trust or where to turn. Then I say, "trust yourself". "Turn to yourself". If you want real change, you can only depend on yourself to make it happen. That means you will have to take charge of your own lives and government. No one else can be trusted to take care of the people’s business like the people.
We need a new vision and direction for our country and our world. Welcome to the NeXus, our pathway to a new and better future. We need a revolution in government and a paradigm shift in technology if we are serious about real change that will move the United States forward.
Revolution in Government
Some think the formation of a third party will bring about real change. That is non-sense and small minded. It demonstrates our inability to think or step outside the box of government that has become our prison. It will do nothing but perpetuate the same old system. We need a revolution in government, not more of the same that will only waste valuable time. "We can’t afford it." The founding fathers left the people with one last safeguard should we ever lose control of our government. It is the nuclear option.  It is the only way to regain control of our government when all has failed.
The founding fathers preserved our supreme right and control over the government by preserving our right to alter or abolish the government if and when the people feel compelled to do so.
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”
(~From the Declaration of Independence)

If there was ever a time of crises when such a thing was needed, we need it now!  
The founding fathers left a big gaping hole in our democracy. They preserved our right to alter or abolish our government in the declaration of independence. The problem is, they never specifically defined the process for citizens to follow in order to execute their right to alter or abolish their old government and start anew. Because the process was not defined, we never exercised our right to use it. Lack of process does not take away or nullify the right. Then common sense should tell us to define a process, agree on it amongst ourselves - then execute it. I took the liberty to define that process and to present it to you the people for your approval. I call the execution of the process “The Execution of Dissolution and Termination” (EDT). I call the declaration of the process “The Declaration of Dissolution and Termination” (DDT). The declaration itself is modeled after the Declaration of Independence. Its purpose is to declare the process of disengagement from the present government to the present government. In other words, it is a pink slip presented to the present government by the people, affectively firing (terminating) the present government. From now on democracy will have teeth and will never be taken for granted ever again without serious consequences from the people. This is how you meet the scientist and engineers half way. You remove the middle men (politicians, lawyers, big business and bankers) and tell the Scientist and Engineers what kind of country and world you want to live in, and they will build it for you.  
It is up to “we the people” to change our direction in order to restore our democracy, rule of law, and our self respect.  Never again will government enslave the people; because from then on, government will be the people. We have to emancipate ourselves from our old ideas, our old government, big business and yes, the bankers. 
               “We really need a better government than what we have”
               - Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize Winning Economist, 2009
We will need two new branches of government to navigate the 21st century and beyond. We will have to eliminate the corruption of money from our government completely. It is a delusion to think we could make these massive, necessary changes with our current system of government. Our government is incapable of solving our past, current, and future problems. That is why politicians spend most of their time attacking each other. They don’t have the answers for where we are and where we are headed. The green economy and carbon market schemes are just more piece meal nonsense; a waste of time, money and resources. Let's see what real change looks like.
           New Design for Government (Government 2.0)

A new branch of Government (The Fifth Branch)
How can we redefine ourselves and reclaim our sanity and free existence. First we must take back our government and that which belongs to no one and everyone. We have the technology to build an over arching new branch of government that supersedes all other branches. This branch will become the new executive branch. The old executive branch will become the administrative branch. The Internet will allow us (the people) to control, monitor and directly intercede or override any function or operation that the people deem unnecessary and in real time not years or decades. The stakes are too high. There will be no higher authority to assert themselves over the will of the people. This means the people will finally be in charge, in control and responsible. No longer will the people be forced to fight wars they don't want to fight. No longer will the people be ignored by government or business because the people will be the true masters of government and themselves. NOT BIG BUSINESS, NOT the BANKS, NOT POLITICIANS or ANYONE ELSE...
            “The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history - whether
man shall  be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by the small elite."
             - Thomas Jefferson

            “I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the
             people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to
             exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to
             take it from them but to inform their discretion.”
             - Thomas Jefferson

We have 233 years of experience that tells us what doesn’t work with government. We can use that knowledge to build a better government along with the technology gains of the last 233 years.
A second new branch of Government (The Fourth Branch)
The fourth branch will be driven by technology and technologist. The people will need access to real information based on facts, figures, reason and most importantly science. The new technology branch will guide technology policy and direction for rebuilding our country on a sound technical footing and science. There is no place for politics in science. As you learn more you will also learn, eventually there will no longer be a need for politicians, politics or even political parties. Politics and political parties are limitations of the past. With real information at your fingertips, you will be able to make your own decisions.

            “Information is the currency of democracy.“
              - Thomas Jefferson

            “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be    
             depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring 
             them the real facts.”

             - Abraham Lincoln
Without a fourth branch the people can never realize their true wealth because it will always get plundered and wasted by middle men. Our technology is worth more than you know. It is worth more than all the wealth, gold, silver, platinum, diamonds and oil on this planet and yet we give it away to be wasted along with the resources that it controls and utilizes.
The fourth and fifth branches should be located outside of Washington D.C.   
The fourth branch is so important because it is the only way to manage the distribution of power and resources more efficiently. It will allow us to deal with problems like climate change and energy with relative ease. It will give us a greater flexibility in handling crises of any nature because we are not so centralized and inflexible. All our technology will work together because they will be designed to do so from the ground up and not this patch work of technologies that don’t work together. "We can’t afford it." The problem with getting your technology from the so called free market is that the free market doesn’t have a brain, a heart or the best interest of the American people. Our government and society will be the first that is truly based on technology and not manipulated and controlled by it. This technological basis will allow us to adjust the level of coupling and cohesion between the states. We have to enhance the structure of government to deal with the multitude of today's complex challenges. It is the only way.

Paradigm shift in Technology
Today, technology is working against mankind Unfortunately, there is a price for progress when you fail to control the assimilation of technology in society. The fourth branch is key. A piece meal approach won’t work. If we try to deal with the symptoms (like unemployment, climate change, energy challenges, outsourcing, offshoring, uncontrollable debt, deficits, instability and corruption of financial systems and markets, the housing bubble, the tech bubble and all other bubbles etc…) without dealing with the real problem (technology), it will be a total waste of time and resources. We have a tricky situation. It is like diffusing a bomb. We have to disconnect the correct wire in the correct sequence; otherwise we will continue to self-destruct. Our technology will continue to undermine everything we do. Politicians can’t tell you that because they don’t know and they don't understand; so they can’t solve our problems. The so called free market and our present government are totally inadequate for dealing with today’s challenges, like it or not. Using 17th century government, ideas, economics and other constructs of the past  in the twenty first century has nothing to do with “Common Sense”. We are at an inflection point. Don’t be afraid of technology. It is your friend when you engage it. It is your enemy when you ignore it.
We ignore the smartest among us at our own peril. When scientists say our planet is in crises, it is probably a good idea to pay a bit more attention as it is the only planet we have. 
What we need is real fundamental change. We are in yet another crisis brought on by technology and our broken economic system. Unfortunately, we are ruled by politicians who only treat the symptoms and not the root causes. They will throw money at the problem and then tax you to death. The problems will only come back again and again and much worse then before, because our old government can only mask the problem temporarily while shifting the burden.  
We have become a dependent nation. We don't make things for ourselves and we have to depend on foreigners like china to lend us money. How can this be in a nation that is so rich in natural resources, technology, and other material wealth? It is because our house is not in order.
You are probably thinking in order to solve these problems that we are going to have to work harder, longer and retire later. This is wrong thinking. To succeed, we will have to be smart enough not to continue as we have in the past. We will have to do the exact opposite. We will have to work much less and retire earlier. We will be forced to enjoy more of our lives. Sorry to disappoint those workaholics, but there is a new slave in town. Computers, robots and technology are the new slaves; we can not compete. Common sense should tell us to get out of the way or we will get run over. That's what's happening to our work force. They are getting run over, and over and over again.  We have to liberate the work force. Common sense has warned us for quite some time that technology will eventually displace the human worker. The time is now. Technology is destabilizing our economies and workforce with increasing frequency and magnitude. Unfortunately, our government and big business have become our masters. Neither will concede control or profits.
We have to treat business and government like the mad dogs they have become. The problem is, they are your dogs and you let them turn on you. You will have to show them that you are the master. The only way to do that is with a Declaration of Dissolution and Termination. You will have to declare your freedom and separation from your old government and not each other. Talk of secession is non-sense. The strength of America comes from her DIVERSITY and her UNITEDNESS. If that bond is broken, so goes the country…
                  “While all other sciences have advanced, that of government is at a                    standstill - little better understood, little better practiced now than
                   three or four thousand years ago.”         
                   - John Adams

Obviously our social development has not kept pace with our technological development. You don't put government or big business in charge of a technological society. That is suicide.
For hundreds of years or more, politicians, dictators and monarchs have made promises of a better life if we just put our faith and trust in them. They have all failed to deliver and in most cases they have made things much worse. The people who are most responsible for easing the burdens of mankind are the inventors, scientist and engineers. They have no need for talk and fiery speeches because they have no need to lead or control anyone. There is no time for it. They are the thinkers and creators. They are the only people that can show you the way. If it is salvation that you seek in this life time, I suggest you seek them out. They are the only people that can set you free. The time of the politicians and dictators has come and gone. Their message has not changed for thousands of years. This means they have no new answers. Scientist and engineers are not big on talking, but you can see their work everywhere: in skyscrapers, planes, trains, electricity, nuclear, solar power, computers etc... 
What do you expect when you turn over control of your most important resources? You have only but to take back what is rightfully yours. Politicians and lawyers have privatized your money, your healthcare and now your elections. This year, with the help of the Supreme Court our elections are totally up for sale which includes foreign countries and companies. This only means that things are going to get much worse until you do something about it. Yes, the things in this document are hard to do. Yes, it means you will have to do something instead of nothing. The president and the democrats can’t help you. Republicans can’t and won’t help you. Big business, the banks and Wall Street don’t care, unless we are bailing them out. That means “We the people” have to look out for ourselves, for a change.
Whether we accept it or not, our old world ended long ago. We are living on borrowed time. Change is coming no mater what. We can deal with it or it will deal with us. No matter what we do, the road ahead will be challenging. If we continue on with our 17th century government, it will be devastating. We have a multitude of serious problems that we are unable to deal with today because we failed in our duties in the past to prepare for today. If we continue to fail in our duties today, tomorrow may very well be unmanageable.
           “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who   
            are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.”
- Albert Einstein
  *********************** What to do Next *******************

If you’re ready for real change, let's get started.
1. Join the Revolution
2. Vote in the online petition to Declare Dissolution and Termination. This is the
       starting process to help us set up Delegate Committees and grass roots
       organizations in all 50 states to organize a formal vote for DDT in each
       state.  The purpose of  the Delegate Committees in each state is to
       decide  who they want to send as delegates to the national convention
       for final acceptance and ratification of DDT and EDT.
3. Read Death By Technology  -  "It is impossible to fight or fix what you don't
        understand". The Ideas for Common Sense3.1, Revolution 2.0 and DDT
        come directly from "Death by Technology".
Before we can fix the United
, we have to understand what’s really wrong with her. We have to
        look behind the symptoms.
4. Tell the world about Common Sense3.1, Revolution 2.0 and DDT
This is not a sipping tea party where we march around carrying silly signs.
       Our job is to let every citizen know that they have a real choice and a
       process to take their country back. Tell them about Common Sense3.1,
       Revolution 2.0 and DDT, so they can support taking back their
       government with their final vote to ratify DDT. Send emails, flyers or
       whatever you have to do to contact as  many people as possible.
Every American citizen needs to know they have the right (which is declared
       in the Declaration of  
Independence) to take their country back from the
       government. They also need to know they have a formal process
       (DDT/EDT) so they can exercise that right.
 Welcome to the First Phase - More Power and Technology to the People

Good Luck to us All

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