
Dear Supporter,
Yesterday, Gov. John Kasich gave his State of the State address. He offered no specifics -- just a lot of platitudes.

But one line he said was particularly troubling to me and should be troubling to every Ohioan who cares about the future of middle class families. Kasich said, "If you think you have seen a lot of change in the first seven weeks, you ain't seen nothing yet.”

What we have seen in the past seven weeks has been nothing short of a multi-pronged attack on the values we all hold dear. Kasich and the GOP have proposed eliminating collective bargaining, rolling back a woman's right to choose, ending overtime pay, gutting education, raising the retirement age and a long list of anti-middle class legislation.

The Ohio Democratic Party and its allies will continue to fight tooth and nail to stop the reckless Kasich agenda. And we want YOU to join us. Your contribution of just $5 can help us keep the pressure on against Kasich and the GOP.

What does your $5 help do? Your contribution - no matter how large or small - helps us pay for our rapid response efforts; our daily counter-attacks against the GOP's legislative strategy and tactics; and our online operations that make it quick and easy for activists to write letters to the editor, to sign and circulate petitions, to show up at events, and to canvass in targeted legislative districts. Additionally, your support also funds our earned media activities; regional media trainings across the state to give local elected officials, activists and labor leaders/rank and file more tools and techniques to push back with; and much more.

We thank you for your support and activism.

In solidarity,

Chairman Chris Redfern and your friends at the Ohio Democratic Party

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