
Important message from AFL-CIO  for OHIO
Below is an email from Andy Richards of the Ohio AFL-CIO, who created a petition at SignOn.org that is getting a lot of attention and may be of interest to people in your area. If you have concerns or feedback about this petition, click here.

Dear Ohio member,
Ohio could be the state that decides whether Barack Obama wins or loses the 2012 presidential election—and Ohio Republicans are already trying to change the rules to make it more difficult for the working poor, the elderly, students, and people of color to vote.
A series of bills moving right now in the Ohio legislature would require voters to present a photo ID when they vote—something 11% of Americans do not have, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. They would also cripple absentee voting, dramatically scale back early voting, and eliminate county-level flexibility to craft innovative, pro-voter policies.
It's obvious why Republicans want to change the rules—they want to make it harder for Democratic voters to cast their ballots. We can't let them get away with it.
That's why I created a petition to the Ohio State House and State Senate, which says:
"Ohioans deserve a fair, efficient, and accessible voting system. Don't push policies that set back voting rights in Ohio. Instead, work in a bipartisan fashion to craft real, forward-thinking, pro-voter reforms."
Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name, and then pass it along to your friends:
–Andy Richards, AFL-CIO

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