
Anonymous Shows its Epicness on the 5th Nov 2013


Aaron Shwartz R.I.P. brother this 5th was for you !

Updates from the 5th Nov 2013 Million Mask March!

Guess who?

everyone is anonymous!

Sweden the 5th

Our park in Tuscon on the 5th 2013 !

The 5th of November belonged to Anonymous

Trafalgar Sq. London England Nov 5th 2013

Capital bldg Nov 5th Washington DC

Anons take Washington DC
                               A  5th of November that will never be forgot
According to the media you would have thought the 5th passed unnoticed but that wasn't the case at all.As anyone can see the 5th belonged to Anonymous , with actions from one end of the globe to another . Anon's took over 477 cities worldwide in a coordinated protest against government corruption . Yes, the 5th belonged to us , just like your bases . Long live the revolution !!!!!

Buckingham Palace

From Serbia with Love

Turkey is a celebration of Love


Only three arrests in Washington for crossing police tape

Fuck the Police bullies "who's streets?...Our Streets!"


                     The waiter who stood up for the people
These incredible photos from Greece of a waiter protecting protestors while police tried to enter the restaurant. He would not allow them to enter to arrest citizens. Saying boldly "there are only innocent people here" barring the police from entering and saving many from subsequent arrest. Another working class person standing up to the elite and their bullies of austerity. This is a heart warming story for you to pass on .